Refund & Return

Phool Booti endeavors to ensure that every transaction on our website is seamless. We take great care in delivering our products and adhere to the highest quality standards. If you are not happy with your purchase, please see the options for returning or exchanging any of the items.

Cancellation Policy

An order can only be canceled within 24 hours of placing the order. Once the order is processed after 24 hours, no cancellation request will be entertained.

Please contact us via email for any queries.

Return Policy

At Phool Booti, you can return the products within 7 days of receiving them, by writing to us. Please refer to the applicable terms for returns from within India and from other countries.

Items to be returned must not be used, worn, washed, or damaged in any way. Return items will only be accepted with their original packaging. Any item that has been damaged, soiled, or altered will not be accepted and will be sent back to the customer. No returns, refunds, or exchanges will be accepted for the following items: BUY 1 GET 1 OFFERS (BOGO) Sales

In the unlikely event that you receive merchandise that is damaged, or different from the one(s) ordered, please email us a photo of the product with Order Details within 23 hours of receiving the order. We will replace the product or reimburse the full invoice value as per your request.

If you are dissatisfied with the product delivered, please mail us within 7 days from the date of receiving the product.

For Indian Orders

Phool Booti will arrange a reverse pick-up from your given address (For certain locations, reverse pick-up might not be available).

Once the returns are received by us and have cleared necessary quality checks, you can either choose to receive store credit or get a refund on your original credit or debit card used for the payment. A deductible re-stocking fee of Rs.100/- per item, will be applicable for all the returns.

For International Orders

Our team must receive and approve your return request. Once your request is approved, you will be asked to ship back the products to New Delhi, India. Our return address will be given to you by mail only.

Responsibility for the safety of the product(s) being returned lies with you, till we receive them. We will not be held responsible for any damage caused during the transit of the product(s) from your destination to the Phool Booti return address.

Once returns are received by us and, they clear quality checks, you can choose to either receive store credit or get a refund on your original credit or debit card used for the payment. A deductible re-stocking fee of Rs.1000/- will be applicable for all international returns.